Monday, September 22, 2014

A GREAT Video on the Importance of Mindsets!!!

Mrs. Barker showed this to us today at our faculty meeting!!  It's DEFINITELY worth a look and illustrates the importance of mindsets at BOTH home and school!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Initial Science Fair Information

Mrs. Crisafulli recently e-mailed out the following information regarding Science Fair...

"Good Afternoon!!

Hope your school year is going well so far and that your child is enjoying 5th grade.

  I will be sending home an initial science fair info packet this week. Enclosed will be the following:
  • Project timeline with due dates.
  • Parent letter pertaining to if your child is doing an individual or group project.
  • 5th Grade Science Fair Expectations & Keys to Success.
  • Science Fair Proposal Form DUE 10/15.
  • Science Fair Research Paper Rubric for the Research Paper DUE 10/30.
  • A sample of a research paper.
  • The info for writing a 5th grade abstract from the district along with a sample abstract.
  • The judging forms for grades 4 & 5 used by judges so you have an idea what is covered.
  • The Form 1 Research Plan DUE 10/10.

In October, I will send another helpful packet which will include:

  • Science Fair Board Layout instructions
  • Graphing Instructions/Information
  • Speech/Presentation Instructions
  • Information for writing conclusions

Also, please look for science fair board order forms which will be going home soon.

If you have any questions. Please contact me via email ("

Newsletter for September

It was GREAT to see everyone during "Meet the Teacher Night!"  We can't have as nearly as successful year without YOU!!

September 4

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Keep Calm and Kick Butt!!

Welcome to our website! I love those "keep calm" things!!  It was great to see everyone on Friday, and for those who we didn't meet, we look forward to meeting you soon!

I've resolved to be better at updating the site at least once a week.  If you haven't already, make sure to sign up to receive daily e-mail updates from our homework website. Just click the image below...

Parents have loved this feature, and we've been using it since 2008!  

When there are documents that need to be shared or other important information, you can find it here!  We also have become quite proficient at e-mailing parents regularly as well.  

During orientation, some parents inquired as to contact information for our team.  Ask and ye shall receive: